Highlights Include: Enjoy!
Author: prosapiaeo
Here are some pictures of Tripp from the month of January 2024. Highlights Include:
Here are some snapshots of Tripp’s 2nd Christmas. He still liked the wrapping paper as much as the gifts. That soon changed… 🙂 Enjoy!
Here are a few pictures/videos from Tripp’s world in October and November of 2023 Highlights include: Enjoy!
Here are some highlights of Tripp’s Great Adventures thru life as a 15 month old. Highlights include: Enjoy!
Here is a collection of Tripp during June of 2023. Highlights include seeing his geat-uncle Sean and time in the pool. Enjoy!
Choosing the right neighborhood in Rome is as important as choosing the right hotel. We chose the romantic ambiance of the Pantheon neighborhood. We chose
The Sistine Chapel is the personal chapel of the pope and the place were new popes are elected. But its claim to fame is its
The glories of the ancient world displayed in a lavish papal palace, decorated by the likes of Michelangelo and Raphael. That’s the winning formula for
St. Peter’s is the greatest church in Christendom. Built on the memory and grave of the first pope, St. Peter, this is where the grandeur