Founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I to establish a Protestant way of thinking about God, Trinity has long been Ireland’s most prestigious college. Originally,
A true oasis in the busy city – it is always populated with cheery locals out for a stroll. This nice little spot makes it
Here are some highlights of August 2023 for 16 month old Tripp. Highlights Include: Meeting the Lama’s Rainforest Cafe Ferguson’s Orchard
It was a busy month! Tripp celebrated his 2nd birthday!
Highlights Include: Enjoy!
Here are some pictures of Tripp from the month of January 2024. Highlights Include:
Here are some snapshots of Tripp’s 2nd Christmas. He still liked the wrapping paper as much as the gifts. That soon changed… 🙂 Enjoy!
Here are a few pictures/videos from Tripp’s world in October and November of 2023 Highlights include: Enjoy!
Here are some highlights of Tripp’s Great Adventures thru life as a 15 month old. Highlights include: Enjoy!
Here is a collection of Tripp during June of 2023. Highlights include seeing his geat-uncle Sean and time in the pool. Enjoy!